Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Furnace & Fireplace!

Hello all! Merry post-holidays! Thought I would throw a few photos up of our exploits in the past month or so.

The first bit o' news is that we recently had a 95% efficiency Trane Furnace installed to replace 'The Beast", our 1950's bulky furnace. What a difference! We actually have warm air with force! It blew out decades of grime and some trash that escaped into the ducts. I have a sneaky suspicion that the kids of the previous owners used the grates as trash receptacles...

This is 'The Beast' before she got replaced:

This is the new Trane!

The second bit o' news is that we had a natural gas fireplace insert installed. We had a working wood burning fireplace, so transition to the new insert wasn't too difficult, we even had a chimney sweep come and clean!

Before the gas insert:

The new gas insert:

We've been chugging along with the upstairs renovation. Ryan removed the carpets, tack strips and hundreds of staples in the living and dining rooms before Christmas. To be honest, the Douglas Fir floors in the living room are in a bit worse shape than I was expecting (mainly furniture drag marks) and a shoddy patch (that needs to be redone).

Here's the living room's new paint job w/the existing carpet:

Living room with carpet up w/pad still down.

Flea looking into the living room with existing Doug Fir floors.

We topped off the living room by putting in a new light fixture from Restoration Hardware.Defined as Arts & Crafts, we think it brings the room together.

Here's me post wiring doing the install:

The dining rooms floors consist of a very early Maple engineered hardwood floor. The floor is in respectable shape, however, there is some cupping/discoloration and another shoddy patch.

Dining room post paint with existing carpet:

Here's the dining room with Maple floors exposed and our Indonesian formal dining table (Thanks Mom & Dad!)

Well, that's about all we have going on right now. Planning on doing some sanding on the floors in March and finally finishing up the second bedroom upstairs!

I'll leave you with a parting view of our backyard (currently 0 degrees):